Our Story
We are the Dobson family and we are the family behind Tiny Goose Apparel. We share a love for the outdoors lifestyle and wish to provide that same life for our children.
When we set out to find suitable, proper fitting outdoor camo gear for our eldest son who was three years old at the time, we found it extremely challenging if not impossible to find the gear we were looking for. We even resorted to having custom gear designed for our son. The challenges and successes of that search sparked the idea and passion to create Tiny Goose Apparel. We wanted to ensure that all other parents like us who want to raise their children in the outdoors didn’t have to face the same challenges we did.
We set out to make Tiny Goose Apparel unique from the ground up with our designed in-house BW Field Camo design, the highest quality pieces that are unmatched in the kids camo market & unrivaled customer service/accessibility with easy direct to consumer service. Our roots are deep into waterfowl, but we feel our products are suitable for any outdoor adventure you and your little one can get into.
We trust that you love what we have created just as much as we do!
The Dobson Family.
Brittany, Matthew, Brody & Wyatt